Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bunny Rabbits and Easter Eggs are cute but........

Millions of men and women love sports. In fact, many are obsessed with their favorite sports teams. I understand this because I am the same way. I am obsessed with my favorite sports teams (the New York Yankees and New York Jets). Unfortunately, many times in our love of our sports teams, we forget the importance of loving God. So I write this blog as a reminder to focus first on loving God, before we love our sports teams.


" In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again."

                                                                    -Luke 24:1-7 (NIV)

Today I spent Easter with my family and two young ladies with their children.  These young ladies, who are sisters, are so close to my wife and I, that they are truly family. Part of the day was spent reading the Bible to my two children and the two sisters' children.  Reading the Bible to those 5 kids was a joy. Reading them the story of Christ being risen from the dead was a great reminder of how great a loving God we have. The oldest boy looked upset and asked me, "Why did He have to be crucified and die?" A great question- and  the total point of the whole story.  So that when we die, we can go to heaven and have eternal life, so that we can be spared for our sins. That is the love of our God. That is what he has done for us. All he asks in return is that we believe in him. I was pleasantly surprised at how much those little kids (ages 2-7) understood this story. They really got into it and (even though they are very cute) those kids did not need to hear about bunny rabbits and Easter eggs.

Later when I got home my sister called me to tell me my aunt had unexpectedly passed away. I was devastated. She was my mother's youngest sister and only 7 years older than me. Of course at that time I still had my "family" with me so I went upstairs quietly and cried. After my wife came to check on me, I remembered my response to the little boys question: "Why did he have to be crucified and die" and I remembered what Jesus himself said when Peter tried to stop the soldiers from arresting Him, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the father has given me?"( John18:11). He died for me and he died for my aunt and he died for you.

No sports today. Just not in the mood. But tomorrow is opening day for the New York Yankees :-)

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